Woman breed with dogs - cartoon dogs pictures; Cockapoo puppies. Various mixed breed dogs
Training a dog gives your canine friend a job and helps him understand what his boundaries are while providing him with a sense of safety and security, and it allows both of you to enjoy the freedom that comes from hard work and good training. Our training here at Sit Means Sit Training uses the No Limitations system of dog training developed by Fred Hassen. This dog obedience training approach utilizes an electronic dog training collar ( www.sitmeanssit.com). This collar allows us to train our dogs in a very effective, quick, and gentle manner because of the instant communication we are able to share with our dog. Our clients all receive a free training demonstration so they can see the initial response of their dogs first-hand. We demonstrate the training method in the face of all of the normal distractions that occur in the real world and allow you to see how your dog responds to our training with the collar.